Some examples of what the "intelligent" human species does to animals

  We didn't know at first whether we should put this column online, as it is cruel, but then we thought, yes, let's do it, because there are many people who are floating on pink clouds and who will hopefully be shaken awake.

 What kind of world are we leaving to our children and grandchildren?

Just as man in his perfection is the noblest of all creatures,

he is torn away from law and justice,

the worst of all.

 Aristoles ( -384 - 322 ) 

Greek philosopher, student of Plato

Example: Sharks

People die from sharks every year. How many? On average 10. Almost all of them could have been avoided. Yet millions of people enter their realm every day, whether to dive, swim or snorkel.

 Every year, sharks are killed by humans. How many? On average 100,000,000.

In words HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS. And none of them stand a chance. Yet none of them enter our realm, the land.

 Simple question: who has to be afraid of whom?

 A few years ago, Spain alone had a shark catch record of 100,000 tons of shark in one year!!!

Example: Dolphins

Despite protests from international environmental organizations, Japanese fishermen are currently hunting thousands of dolphins with the approval of the government. According to Hideki Moronuki, spokesman for the Fisheries Agency in Tokyo, an average of 16,000 to 17,000 animals are caught in the annual drive hunt. Environmentalists, on the other hand, speak of over 20,000 dolphins killed.

Example: Turtles

Turtle meat and eggs do not feed the poor population, but are privileges of the affluent society. Turtle shell is used to make jewelry and ornaments for tourists. In other words, unnecessary objects for which thousands of animals have to give their lives! 

The garbage in the oceans also spells doom for these gentle animals

Example: Overfishing of the seas

Just 50 years ago, the wealth of the oceans seemed inexhaustible. Since then, however, humans have managed to plunder the stocks of the most important food fish down to a fraction of their former abundance. In some regions, the question is already being asked: is there any way back?

 Overfishing: an industry destroys itself

Example: Oil in the seas

Exxon Valdez

Gulf of Mexico 2010

Example: Underwater noise

Underwater noise

Example: furs from animals

Here you can really see, how cruel people can be, when it comes to profit.

Only watch these videos if you are over 18.

Do these people have no conscience?

Do the people who wear furs know how they are made, if so.........................

Attention cruel videos fur

e.g.rabbit fur

In Canada, significantly more seals may be killed in 2011 than in previous years. The Ministry of Fisheries in Ottawa has approved the hunting of 468,200 animals - 20 percent more than last year. The catch quotas have met with fierce protest from environmentalists. “The government has declared war on Canada's seals,” said a spokesperson for Humane Society International. The harp seal quota is the highest since 1971. 

Example: Animal testing

With science as we know it today, we wouldn't need them

 Attention: Shocking images 

Very good documentary on DVD

The cove



Dolphin trainer Richard O'Barry and filmmaker Louie Psihoyos set off for a small fishing village in Japan together with other activists. Once there, they make several terrible discoveries. Firstly, the abuse of animals and, secondly, the resulting danger to humans.

Some countries have a very special relationship with nature. Japan adheres to a tradition that is more than incomprehensible to us. It legitimizes its actions in relation to whaling by referring to scientific evidence. Die Bucht - The Cove is a feature-length documentary that not only seeks to reduce these claims to absurdity, but also openly denounces a bestial tradition. A documentary could not be made more exciting. Be sure to watch it, talk about it and take a stand.

The water is dark red. Men in boats drive around and repeatedly stab the creatures, who are still moving and desperately gasping for air as they bleed from countless gaping wounds. Again and again they try to escape, already in agony. Some of them jump onto the sharp-edged rocks in a wild panic, bounce off and slide back into the water to join their dying conspecifics. Lucky are those who meet a quick end. These images should give you a small taste of the horror in The Cove, possibly one of the most important documentaries in a long time.