47 photos - 18 species

Aegires villosus Farran, 1905

Shaggy aegires or Hairy norse god

 Maximum length: 12 mm

White to yellow-orange body with white to purple tubercles, sometimes with black tips.

Long rhinophores and small gills surrounded by tubercles.

Photo 1 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Hypselodoris emma Rudman, 1977

Emma's hypselodoris

 Maximum length: 40 mm

Cream to yellowish body, with 3 purple to dark red lines on the upper side.

The mantle and foot edge is blue to purple.

Their rhinophores and gills are orange to red.

Photos 1 - 2 Astrid: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Photo 3 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Nembrotha chamberlaini Gosliner & Behrens, 1997

Chamberlains Nembrotha

2 Nembrotha during reproduction
2 Nembrotha during reproduction

 Maximum length: 60 mm

Brown to black saddle spots on the upper side of their whitish body,

sometimes lines, they have a blue border along the mouth and foot.

The gills are red with blue or pink, with a yellow base,

the rhinophores are colored like the gills,

but have blue to purple rings around the base, which is bordered in yellow.

Photo 2 shows the animals during reproduction.

Photo 1 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Photos 2 - 3 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Nembrotha cristata Bergh, 1877

Crested nembrotha

 Maximum length: 50 mm

Black body with green warts.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Photo 2 Astrid: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Photo 3 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

Nembrotha kubaryana Bergh, 1877

Dusky nembrotha, Variable neon slug, Dusky nembrotha

or Kubaryana's nembrotha

 Maximum length: 80 mm

Green pustules on the black body, in some forms connected to form longitudinal lines.

The foot end and the rhinophores are orange to red, the gills orange, red to green.

Photos 1 - 3 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Nembrotha lineolata Bergh, 1905

Lined nembrotha or Lined neon slug

 Maximum length: 40 mm

Cream-colored with numerous narrow brown lines and faint red

and purple markings on the gill and rhinophores.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Nembrotha milleri Gosliner & Behrens, 1997

( Millers Nembrotha )

Love is.....
Love is.....

 Maximum length: 60 mm

This species is found throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific,

it has a dark to grey-green body coloration with rhinophores and gills that are usually black.

Photos 1 - 3 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

Photo 4 Astrid: Moaboal Philippines

Nembrotha sp.

No english name yet

 Maximum length: 30 mm

The body is pink to dark brown, yellow to pink or orange pustules.

Rhinophores usually with a white ring at the base.

Widespread, but may include several species.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bali Indonesia

Nembrotha sp.

No english name yet


After long research on the internet and inquiries with marine biologists,

they could not tell me so far which Nembrotha it is,

it seems to be a new undiscovered species, there are some similar,

but none that has white dots between the gills and rhinophores, therefore sp.

Photos 1 - 3 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Nembrotha sp.

No english name yet

 Maximum length:??

This animal here is also still undescribed, it is very similar to Nembrotha cristata,

only the color is different.

While the green one is already described,

this one and the one with the red spots (see the species above this one) are not yet described.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Nembrotha sp 2

No english name yet

 Maximum length: 40 mm

This species also has no name yet, but has already been described.

White body with a few black lines dorsally

and yellow pigment extending to the gill and further back.

Photos 1 - 2 Astrid: Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Notodoris minor Eliot, 1904

Banana nudibranch

Clutch of the Banana nudibranch
Clutch of the Banana nudibranch

Maximum length: 100 mm

Light yellow body with black lines and dots.

Rigid and hard body.

Feeds on the yellow calcareous sponge.

Photos 1 - 4 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Tambja gabrielae Pola, Cervera & Gosliner, 2005

Gabriela's tambja

 Maximum length: 100 mm (usually 60 mm)

Black to dark green or steel blue body with bright yellow spots or stripes.

The front of the head and the edge of the foot have yellow lines.

The front of the gills and the rhinophores are bright yellow.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Tambja morosa Bergh, 1877

Gloomy nudibranch or Gloomy tambja


 Maximum length: 60 mm

The body is black-green to deep blue, some with, others without large blue spots.

They have bright blue bands on the head, mouth and foot edge.

Photos 1 - 6 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Tambja olivaria Yonow, 1994

Olive-tambja or Neon-mark tambja

 Maximum length: 80 mm

Olive green with a yellow-green spot on the head, edged in black.

Rhinophores are usually black.

There are also yellow pigments at the end of the body.

Photos 1 - 3 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

Tambja sp.

No english name yet

 Maximum length: ?

It has not yet been described.

This group has more species than any other group,

it does not seem to represent a single natural group but a collection of several species.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangla Island North Sulawesi

Thecacera sp.8

No english name yet

 Maximum length: 40 mm

Although the species has already been described, it does not yet have its own name.

This specimen had a length of about 8 mm.

Orange with purple to black markings.

The rhinophores are also orange and have black tips.

Photo 1 Astrid: Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Photo 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Tyrannodoris luteolineata, Baba 1936

No english name yet

Maximum length: 30 mm

Bluish black body with many thin yellow longitudinal stripes and a blue spot behind each rhinophore 

( indented on the photo ) and a blue foot edge.

The gills and rhinophores are almost black with a yellow base.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi