7 photos - 4 species
Alpheus bellulus
Pretty snapping shrimp or Tiger snapping shrimp
Maximum length: 3.5 cm
Beige body with dark green bands and 2 light-coloured transverse bands.
Close to the reef in a sandy tube,
in symbiosis with various partner gobies such as
Steinitz' Partner Goby, Black Partner Goby.
Bangka island Nord Sulawesi
Alpheus rapax
Raptor snapping shrimp
Maximum length: 4 cm
Grey or white body with dark olive bulge.
Inhabits burrows in coarse sand, near coral reefs.
Lives in symbiosis with gobies, mostly Cryptocentrus.
Hurghada Egypt
Alpheus rubromaculatus
Red spotted snapping shrimp
Maximum length: 3.5 cm
Its body is cream-coloured and has red spots.
Lives in the sand in burrows with various partner shrimps.
Hurghada Egypt
Alpheus sp.
no english designation
Maximum size: ?
Maximum depth: ?
An undescribed animal, therefore no data
Bangka island North Sulawesi