5 photos - 3 species


Bear crabs are a family within the decapod crustaceans.

It comprises 98 species, 13 of which are only known in fossil form.

The nocturnal animals live in all tropical and subtropical seas.

They have several small spines that can cause very painful stings.

Parribacus antarcticus

Sculptured mitten lobster or Sculptured lobster

Maximum length: 10 - 18 cm

Depth: 6 - 23 m

There are numerous spines and stiff bristles on the edge of the flat antennae and on the carapace,

which look like a rough pavement-like texture.

Yellow-brown to brown, flat-muscled and broadly rounded carapace.

When disturbed, it flees by swimming backwards.

Hiding during the day, foraging at night.

Bonaire Caribbean

Scyllarides aequinoctialis

Spanish slipper lobster or Spanish lobster

Maximum length: 30 cm

Their segments are relatively smooth when compared to others.

Reddish-brown body and yellow legs with brown spots.

Blue antennae.

They should normally be hidden during the day and only go foraging at night

but we encountered these two in the reef in broad daylight.

Shy, flees when disturbed.

Bonaire Caribbean

Scyllarides tridacnophaga

Clamkiller slipper lobster

Maximum length: 30 cm

Toothed on the body edge.

Hidden in holes or sand during the day.

Like lobsters, it can also swim backwards.

Its biggest enemy is the octopus.

Hurghada Egypt