17 photos - 10 species
Achelous sebae
Ocellate swimming crab
Maximum length: 9 cm
Its last pair of legs has developed into swimming paddles.
Shy, withdraws into holes when approached.
Bonaire Caribbean
Caphyra loevis
Xenia swimming crab
Maximum size: ?
Maximum depth: 6 - 16 m
This swimming crab lives on xenia.
Further information about this species is unfortunately not yet available.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Charybdis natator
Ridged swimming crab, Wrinkled swimming crab
Maximum length: 17 cm
Scissor arms covered with large granules, with black tips and blue spots.
There are six spines on each side of the carapace.
Bangla Island North Sulawesi
Gonoioinfradens paucidentatus
Re swimming crab
Maximum length: 10 cm
Bright red and orange, with dark claws and spine tips.
Six blunt tip spines, carapace has 4 to 5 pointed spines.
Photo 1: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photo 2: Hurghada Egypt
Lissocarcinus laevis
Swimmer crab, Harlequin crab, Harlequin swimming crab
or Anemone crab
Maximum length: up to 3 cm
This is a symbiotic crab that is probably only found on cylinder roses.
Bangka island Nord Sulawesi
Lissocarnicus orbicularis
Sea cucumber crab, Little harlequin crab
Maximum size: 4 cm
Maximum depth: 7 - 61 m
It has a smooth dorsal carapace with pronounced spots.
This pattern can range from reddish-brown with white spots to white or yellowish with reddish-brown spots.
The basic color of the carapace imitates the color of the hoarding.
The carapace has a strong convex shape and is slightly shorter than wide
Females are larger than males.
Females reproduce throughout the year and raise about 500 eggs at a time.
They live singly or in pairs, mostly on sea cucumbers,
in the intestinal cavity or near the oral tentacles and anus of the sea cucumber species.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Portunus sp.
Portunus sp. unknown swimming crab
Thalamita spinimana
Spiny Claw Swimming Crab
Maximum size: 5 - 12 cm
Maximum depth: 0 - 6 m
Common species, especially near reefs and coral rubble.
Nocturnal, quite defensive, can pinch hard.
It has 5 spines on the sides of the body with a black tip.
Eyes are wide apart, between the eyes are 6 curves.
The last legs often have a bluish coloration and are paddle-shaped.
Orange or red, sometimes also blue bodies, claws and walking legs.
The inner elbows are white.
Some of these crabs have a chocolate brown body with blue legs.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Thalamita sp.1
Thalamita sp.1 unknown swimming crab
Maximum length: ?
Again, no description.
They are very difficult to identify, just like this one.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Trionectes spiniferus
no english designation
Maximum size: ?
Maximum depth: ?
Unfortunately I can't find any data about this crab, I got the name from a biologist.
Bangka island North Sulawesi