5 photos - 2 species
Percnon gibbesi
Nimble spray crab, Spray crab or Sally lightfoot crab
Maximum size 3 cm
Depth 1 - 23 m
Flat disc-shaped carapace, dark brown to olive with greenish front edge.
Golden yellow rings on the brown legs.
Found in rocky areas and reefs.
Retreat when approached.
Bonaire Caribbean
Percnon guinotae
Shore crab
Maximum length: 6 cm
Maximum depth: 1 - 10 m
They are found in areas with strong currents or strong surf.
Their long, strong legs, which are lined with spines, improve their grip
and their flat shells improve water resistance.
Typical of this crab species are its bright red eyes, pink claws,
dark banded legs and 12 - 14 small whitish dots on their shell.
They eat anything they can catch that is small enough to fit into their claws.
Bangka island North Sulawesi