Marine conservation organisations


Whether they are on the hunt for environmental criminals, or fighting day after day against the ever-increasing amount of plastic waste, or risking their lives to save endangered species, they are the protectors of the oceans.


In 1997, former Greenpeace founding member Paul Watson founded Sea Shepherd with the aim of ending the extinction of animals and the destruction of their habitats. Whenever sea creatures are threatened, be it by whaling, seal slaughters or poaching, they become active and take action.

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Founded in 2012 by Dutchman Pascal van Erp to raise awareness about the mass of ghost nets floating in the world's oceans. Ghost nets are mainly made of plastic and are deadly traps for all marine life and birdlife. Similar groups have formed in New Zealand, America and Iceland. 

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The Swiss-based marine conservation organisation has been fighting for better living conditions in the oceans since 1989. Oceancare has been a UN Special Advisor on Marine Conservation since 2011. They are mainly involved in the fight against marine pollution caused by plastic, oil and various chemicals and against underwater noise.

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Founded in 1971 by peace activists in Canada. 1983 in Central and Eastern Europe. Today, the focus is on marine protection and plastic pollution of the oceans.

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Founded in 2003 by Gerhard Wegner to change the image of sharks as monsters, if you had asked someone 10 years ago what they thought of sharks, the answer would have been around 89% of people: Eats people. Today, the top answer would be: They are threatened with extinction. Above all, Sharkproject fights against the brutal finning of sharks (fins are cut off the sharks alive and the sharks are thrown back into the sea, where they die miserably).

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Founded in 1970 by a former dolphin trainer, today he and his team fight against the captivity of dolphins in dolphinaria and the killing and capturing of dolphins in Taiji, where hundreds of animals die every year.

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In 2000, Galster, Gauntlett, Knights and Steve Trent joined forces to found Wild Aid. Their aim is to protect species and fight poaching around the world. Their marine conservation programme focuses on protecting and restoring marine resources, including illegal fishing. Thanks to the commitment of this organisation, around 20000 sea turtles have been saved in Ecuador.

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Founded in Switzerland in 1961. When it comes to marine conservation, this organisation fights against overfishing and the expansion of protected areas.

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Founded in 2005 by photographer Louie Psihoyos and Jim Clark with the aim of raising awareness about the plight and ecological problems of our oceans. In 2015, they adorned the façade of the Empire State Building in New York with endangered species such as blue whales, hammerhead sharks, etc. Louie Psihoyos, the initiator and director of the documentary film

" The Bay "

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Founded in England in 1987, this organisation has set itself the goal of protecting whales and dolphins. Goals achieved so far: new protected areas off England and Ireland, no fin whale hunting in Iceland in 2016 and a ban on importing belugas into the USA. 

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2001 Founded by various foundations, Oceana is one of the largest marine conservation organisations in the world. Its aim is to preserve the diversity of the oceans.

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Founded in 1985 by Kurt Amsler with the aim of protecting the seven surviving but endangered species. A very important goal of SOS-SEATURTLES is also to work with major travel companies and diving organisations to raise awareness.

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