12 photos - 5 species


In biology, tubeworms are various groups of worms,

that live sessile in self-constructed tubes in the sea.

Anamobaea orstedii

Split crown feather duster worm

Crown 1 - 2.5 cm

Depth 2 - 23 m

Oval crown with longitudinal division and variable colouring, which can be brown, orange and purple with white bands and spots.

Shy, immediately withdraws into the tube when approached.

Bonaire Caribbean

Branchiomma nigromaculatum

Black spotted feather duster worm

Maximum size: 9.5 cm

As it requires high water temperatures

it is found at depths of between 2 and 5 metres.

Moalboal Philippines

Notaulax nudicollis

Brown fanworm

Crown 2 - 3 cm

Depth 3 - 21 m

White, brown, purple-spotted and banded crown, tube mostly concealed.

Shy, immediately withdraws into the tube when approached.

Bonaire Caribbean

Sabellastarte sanctijosephi

Feather duster worm

Maximum size: 12 cm

Photo 1: Moalboal Philippines

Photo 2: Embudu Maldives

Sabellastarte spectabilis

Tubeworm or Southern fanworm

Up to 10 cm at the surface.

The tube towers above the sand, has feather-like tentacles,

the colour is variable but often ringed, very shy and filters plankton.

Hurghada Egypt