12 photos - 5 species


In biology, tubeworms are various groups of worms,

that live sessile in self-constructed tubes in the sea.

Anamobaea orstedii

Split crown feather duster worm

Crown 1 - 2.5 cm

Depth 2 - 23 m

Oval crown with longitudinal division and variable colouring, which can be brown, orange and purple with white bands and spots.

Shy, immediately withdraws into the tube when approached.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bonaire Caribbean

Branchiomma nigromaculatum

Black spotted feather duster worm

Maximum size: 9.5 cm

As it requires high water temperatures

it is found at depths of between 2 and 5 metres.

Photo 1 Astrid: Moalboal Philippines

Notaulax nudicollis

Brown fanworm

Crown 2 - 3 cm

Depth 3 - 21 m

White, brown, purple-spotted and banded crown, tube mostly concealed.

Shy, immediately withdraws into the tube when approached.

Photos 1 - 3 Johnny: Bonaire Caribbean

Sabellastarte sanctijosephi

Feather duster worm

Maximum size: 12 cm

Photo 1 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

Photo 2 Johnny: Embudu Maldives

Sabellastarte spectabilis

Tubeworm or Southern fanworm

Up to 10 cm at the surface.

The tube towers above the sand, has feather-like tentacles,

the colour is variable but often ringed, very shy and filters plankton.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Hurghada Egypt

Photos 3 - 4 Astrid: Hurghada Egypt