9 photos - 3 species

Chloeia bemisae

Bemis fire worm

Maximum length: 8 cm

Maximum depth: 3 - 22 m

Not described until 2023, based on specimens from the Philippines and Indonesia.

Pale body, bristles transparent to whitish.

The rear part tapers.

Bangka island North Sulawesi

Chloeia flava

Golden fireworm, Bearded fireworm, Golden bristle worm

or Peacock bristle worm

Maximum length: 10 cm

Row of eyespots on the back and bundles of long bristles that can easily penetrate the skin and cause a burning pain.

Eats small animals and carrion found on sand and rubble along the coast.

Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Hermodice carunculata

Bearded fireworm or Bearded fireworm

Maximum length: 15 cm

Depth 0.5 - 40 m

Has segments with short tufts of white bristles

and red branched gill filaments.

Colour: Brown, green and red.

Found in reefs and seagrass beds. Often hidden

in crevices or under coral fragments and stones.

When threatened, the worm raises its bristles,

which easily penetrate the skin and then break off.

This leads to burning pain and itchy wounds.

Bonaire Caribbean