3 photos - 2 species

Charonia tritonis

Giant triton, Triton's trumpet, Trumpet conch or Trumpet shell

Maximum length: 50 cm

Formerly used as a horn.

Populations are disappearing due to heavy collecting. 

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Hurghada Egypt

Colubraria muricata

Maculated dwarf triton, Giant false triton or Spotted Colubraria

Size: 4.5 - 11.5 cm

Depth: 5 - 20 m

Like most of this species, they are mainly nocturnal

and parasitise on sleeping fish, mostly parrotfish.

They use an extremely long proboscis to pierce the mucus covering

that the parrotfish produce at night for protection

and then pierce the fish to suck blood for nourishment.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bonaire Caribbean