34 photos - 17 species


 A two-lobed mantle polishes and covers the shell.

They are collected all over the world for their beauty.

During the day they hide in crevices and caves.

They are nocturnal animals.

Cribrarula cribraria

Sieve cowrie

 Maximum size: 4.4 cm

It belongs to the family of porcelain snails,

of which around 200 species are known to date.

Normally the shell is covered by a mantle,

in this snail it is light orange to bright red,

whose movement keeps the shell always very shiny.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Cyphoma gibbosum

Egg shell or Flamingo tongue

 Maximum size: 2.5 cm

Depth 2 - 14 m

Creamy white mantle with orange dots outlined in black.

Body is cream to white.

It lives on gorgonians, which it also feeds on.

Bonaire Caribbean

Cypraea pantherina

Panther cowrie

 Maximum 8 cm

Its shell is slimmer than that of its sister species, the tiger cowrie.

On the photos you can see the mantle of the cowrie closed, half open and fully open.

Photos 1 + 3: Hurghada Egypt

Photo 2: Bali Indonesia

Cypraea tigris

Tiger cowrie

 Maximum 10 cm

Sister species of the Phanter cowrie, but has a wider shell.

On the photos you can see the mantle of the cowrie closed,

half open and fully open.

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Erronea caurica

Dragon cowrie or Thick-edged cowrie

Maximum 7 cm

Cream-colored with speckles and dark spots.

Lives on coarse sand, rubble and dead coral.

Hurghada Egypt

Leporicypraea mappa

Map cowrie

 Maximum size: 10.2 cm

White to cream-colored shell with several brown longitudinal lines

that are occasionally interrupted by white circles.

The pattern of the shell is reminiscent of a map, hence the name map cowrie.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Luria cinerea

Atlantic grey cowrie, Atlantic gray cowrie or Ashen cowrie

With its light-colored, transparent coat
With its light-colored, transparent coat

 Maximum size: 4.5 cm

Maximum depth: 0 - 1472 m

Worldwide distribution, and according to Wikipedia, this kauri has been recorded at a depth of 1472 m.

Nocturnal, lives in reefs in caves and under overhangs.

Most Luria snails have an almost black mantle, this species here differs from the others by a light, pale and translucent mantle.

Bonaire Caribbean

Luria isabella

Isabel's cowry, Isabella cowry or Fawn-coloured cowry

 Maximum size: 0.7 - 5.4 cm

Maximum depth: 1 - 35 m

Shell: Cylindrical, light beige to pale reddish brown. 

Mantle: Matt black, velvety with very short papillae, covers the shell on both sides and forms a line in the pattern.

Smooth, roundish shell, toothed opening on the underside.

Active at night, hidden in crevices and holes during the day.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Lyncina carneola

Carnelian cowrie or Purple mouthed cowrie

 Maximum 8.5 cm

Light brown transverse bands on a cream-colored background.

Food: Waste, algae and sponges.

Hurghada Egypt

Lyncina vitellus

Calf cowrie or Milk-spotted cowrie

Maximum size: 10 cm

Lives under stones or in crevices.

This specimen has pulled its “mantle” over the shell,

at the bottom right you can see a little of its shell.

Moalboal Philippines

Mauritia grayana

Gray's arabica cowrie

 Maximum 8 cm

It is cream-colored and has a brown net pattern with grey-white spots.

Her mantle ( see photo 1 ) is transparent with stringy appendages.

Photos 1 - 3: Hurghada Egypt

Photo 4: El Qesir Egypt

Mauritia mauritiana

Humpback cowrie, Chocolate cowrie, Mourning cowrie

or Black humped cowrie

 Maximum size: 13 cm

Predominantly nocturnal animal.

Found at depths of up to 9 m under rocks near coral reefs.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Naria acicularis

Atlantic yellow cowrie

 Maximum size: 3.1 cm

Maximum depth: up to 780 m

The mantle edge of the shell overgrows the shell from both sides

and forms a line where it meets on the back.


Bonaire Caribbean

Naria labrolineata

Naria Labrolineata or Labrolineata cowrie

 Maximum length: 5 cm

Porcelain snails can completely retract their mantle when in danger.

They are normally algae eaters, but can also eat corals when there are no algae.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Naria turdus

Thrush cowrie

Maximum length: 6 cm

Maximum depth: 20 - 40 m

Not too much is known about this species,

except that it is already found almost everywhere as an invasive species,

probably carried along with the balast water of ships,

as they have planktonic larvae.

So far it has been found in Israel, Gulf of Gabes in Tunisia, Lampedusa in Italy,

Aruba and Bonaire in the Caribbean, Florida, Costa Rica, Venezuela and Puerto Rico.

Bonaire Caribbean

Phenacovolva rosea

Rosy spindle cowry

Maximum size: 1.5 - 6.5 cm

Maximum depth: 1 - 250 m

Often extremely variable in the color pattern of their mantle and the shape of their shell.

Females are often twice the size of males.

Appearance, color and shape depend on the gorgonian on which they live and feed.

Bangka island North Sulawesi

Staphylaea limacina

Limacina cowry, Slug-like cowry

Maximum size: 4 cm

Maximum depth: 0 - 30 m

This porcelain snail has an oval shell, usually pale brown or pink with whitish spots.

The mantle is brown, orange or reddish with pale finger-like appendages.

Bangka island North Sulawesi