Aliger gigas
Queen conch or Pink conch
Size: 15 - 30 cm
Depth: 1 - 30 m
Large shell, with a short conical tip and blunt nodes, often overgrown.
Long eyestalks, eyes at the tip.
Bonaire Caribbean
Canarium mutabile
Variable stromp or Flower stromp
Maximum length: 45 mm
They are often found in large numbers in lagoons,
from the intertidal zone to approx. 20 m on sand, rubble or hard reef substrates,
as well as between Halimeda algae.
The shells are often whitish, some are very heavily pigmented.
This winged snail feeds on algae growth and detritus.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Canarium sp.
Canarium sp
Maximum length: ?
Unfortunately I cannot provide a description of this species as not much is known about it.
This specimen, which I photographed in Indonesia, had a length of about 6 cm.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Vomer conch
Maximum length: 15 cm
Relatively rare species.
Cream-colored body, irregular brown spots, very thick lip with brown stripes
and dark purple inside.
On sandy bottoms in reefs.
Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi
Harpago chiragra
Chiagra spider conch or Gouty spider conch
Maximum length: 260 mm
Harpago chiragra is often referred to colloquially as the Chiragra spider snail - boat hook.
It lives on sandy bottoms between the lagoons and the reef.
Diet: algae.
It cannot be easily turned over by potential predators,
as the widened mouth of the snail enables a stable position.
It is always visible on top of the sand.
The shell alone reaches a length of approx. 17 cm.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Lambis scorpius
Scorpio spider conch
Maximum length: 22 cm
These species can only be distinguished by the arrangement of the spines and the shell.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Giant spider conch
Maximum length: 18 cm
Common in shallow water on coral sand and in lagoons.
Smooth opening, small shoulder knot.
Females have longer “fingers” at the opening than males.
Hurghada Egypt