11 photos - 6 species


Sea squirts are sessile tunicates that colonise

the world's oceans from the shelf to the deep sea.

With around 2000 species, they are the most species-rich group of tunicates.

Due to their ability to form a mantle and as internal micro-filters,

whereby they utilise the productivity of the free water body,

the sea squirts are one of the most successful animal groups.

Atriolum robustum

Robust sea squirt, Small Urn - ascidian

Maximum size: 1 - 3 cm

Maximum depth: 5 - 30 m

It is a colonial sea squirt.

Its green to brown colors are due to symbiotic unicellular algae Prochlorons.

These algae disappear with depth, so very white individuals can be found from about 20 m.

The tunic consists of tunicin, a substance similar to the cellulose of plants,

which is unique in the deep sea.

Bangka island North Sulawesi

Clavelina coerulea

Blue sea squirt

Maximum size: 1 - 2 cm

This species is one of the most beautiful sea squirts.

Their lifespan is short, but they reproduce quite quickly.

Moalboal Philippines

Clavelina robusta

Sea squirt, Stalked ascidian or Cat eye squirt

Maximum length: 3 cm

They resemble sponges, but react to touch, which sponges do not.

Live individually or in groups of several individuals.

Photo 1: Bali Indonesia 

Photo 2: Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Herdmania momus

Herdman's sea squirt, Giant pink ascidian, Red - lipped ascidian

Red throated ascidian

Maximum size: 5 - 20 cm

Maximum depth: 7 - 100 m

Opaque pink.

Found in warm seas worldwide. 

They can be found among seagrass and inhabited reefs.

Banka island North Sulawesi

Polycarpa aurata

Goldmouth sea squirt or Ink-spot sea squirt

Maximum length: 10 cm

It has two openings.

When you take it out of the water, it contracts and sprays water.

Bali Indonesia

Pycnociavella diminuta

White - spotted sea squirt

Maximum size: 1.5 cm

Maximum depth: 5 - 20 m

It lives in colonies consisting of small clusters of zooids,

which extend from a common stalk.

Each zooid is about 0.5 - 1.5 cm long

and golden yellow - orange in color and have white spots.

These spots vary in shape and size, but are well defined

and evenly distributed throughout the colony.

Bangka island North Sulawesi