28 photos - 18 species


They release adhesive secretions when threatened.

Sea cucumbers are sea creatures with a 1 millimetre to two metre

long cylindrical body. 

The muscular, elongated body has a mouth opening at the front end,

which is often surrounded by tentacles.

Actinopyga lecanora

White-bottomed sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 25 cm

Depth: 20 - 30 m

It often hides under coral or rubble and has a light grey or brown base colour.

Photo 1 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Bohadschia argus

Eyed sea cucumber or Leopard fish

 Maximum length: 45 cm

Typical eyespots.

Like some other sea cucumbers, they expel white threads from their anus as a defence.

These are very sticky and can cause skin irritation.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

Colochirus robustus

Yellow cucumber, Robust sea cucumber or Yellow sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 6 cm

They can be seen in groups on walls in the current.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

Euapta godeffroyi

Lion's paw sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 150 cm

Very colour-variable.

Can contract strongly, up to about 1/3 of its length.

Usually hidden during the day, out in the open at night.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

Holothuria atra

Black sea cucumber or Lollyfish

 Maximum length: 45 cm

Photo 1 Johnny: Hurghada Egypt

Holothuria edulis

Sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 35 cm

Depth: 0.3 - 30 m

Dark brown body with pink underside.

It lives on sand and on the hard bottom of lagoons and sheltered outer reef slopes.

Photo 1 Astrid: Hurghada Egypt

Holothuria mexicana

Donkey dund sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 35 cm

It is dark grey to black and has conspicuous, deep wrinkles.

Its underside is pink or white with small brown feet.

Also native to seagrass beds and sandy bottoms.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bonaire Caribbean

Holothuria nobilis

White teeth

 Maximum length: 40 - 60 cm

Depth: up to 40 metres

It occurs on outer and offshore reefs, reef slopes,

but also in shallow seagrass beds and at depths of up to 40 metres.

Photo 1 Johnny: El Qesir Egypt

Holothuria (Thymiosycia) thomasi

Tiger tail sea cucumber

Maximum length: 150 cm

Long, thin body that only partially protrudes from the reef.

Cream-coloured to brown spotted.

It is found in coral reefs, with its rear end firmly anchored in the reef.

At night it searches the reef for food, but quickly retreats when disturbed.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bonaire Caribbean

Isostichopus badionotus

Three-rowed sea cucumber or Chocolate cip sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 40 cm

Underside with three rows of feet.

Earthy colouring and pattern very variable.

Native to seagrass beds and sandy bottoms.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bonaire Caribbean

Opheodesoma serpentina

Opheodesoma serpentina

 Maximum length: 1.6 m

Maximum depth: 2 - 23 m

Like all sea cucumbers of this species, this one feeds by ingesting the sandy substrate,

which it coarsely sorts and carries to its mouth,

using its prehensile and adhesive tentacles to digest organic particles.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bangka Island North - Sulawesi

Pearsonothuria graeffei

Graeffe's sea cucumber, Blackspotted sea cucumber

or The big drop loloata

 Maximum length: 50 cm

Inhabits lagoons and sheltered slopes of rock and coral reefs.

Active during the day and at night.

The lineback cucumber in photo 2 is in the process of releasing sperm.

Photo 1 - 2 Johnny: Hurghada Egypt

Photo 3 Johnny: Embudu Maldives

Stichopus pseudohorrens

Sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 40 cm

Tip-like tubercles.

It inhabits open rubble and sandy areas of shallow reefs down to a depth of 1 - 30 m,

filtering sand.

Photo 1 Astrid: Hurghada Egypt

 Synapta maculata

Maculated Synaptid

Maximum length: 2.5 m

Depth: up to 25 metres

With a maximum length of 2.5 metres, it is the largest sea cucumber.

They live in shallow water, on soft bottoms, between algae and on sandy areas.

The soft and spongy body of the worm sea cucumber can grow up to 5 cm in diameter.

It can be strongly stretched or contracted to a shorter length.

If you touch the sea cucumber, your hand sticks to its skin.

Photo 1 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

Synaptula lamperti

Dark-stripes worm sea cucumber, Pygmy snake sea cucumber

or Lambert's sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 8 cm

These worm sea cucumbers are small, worm-like sea cucumbers.

They live on sponges, algae, calcareous algae and gorgonians.

They often have only one specific host.

They live from shallow water to depths of up to 50 metres.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Thelenota ananas

Pinneapple sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 70 cm

This species lives on reef tops, in deep lagoons and on outer reef slopes.

Usually lying on sand.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bangka Island - Sulawesi

Photo 2 Johnny: Bali Indonesia

Thelenota anax

Amberfish sea cucumber

Maximum length: up to 1 metre

This sea cucumber is certainly a cucumber of superlatives,

it can grow up to 100 cm and reach a weight of 6 kg.

It has a layer of skin about 1.5 cm thick that protects its internal organs,

the animal's body is rather stiff and firm.

Photo 1 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi

Thelenota rubralineata

Red-lined sea cucumber or Candycane sea cucumber

 Maximum length: 50 cm

Rare sea cucumber.

First described in 1991.

This species does not eat plankton, but decayed organic matter that it finds on the bottom.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi