4 photos - 2 species

Trapania sp.

No english designation

Maximum length: Not known, this one was about 5 mm long

Maximum depth: Not known, I found this one at a depth of 12 m.

Soft, elongated body, two pairs of curved dorsal lateral processes,

no pronounced mantle edge, non-retractable gills and rhinophores without pockets.

Feed on goblet worms, which grow to about 0.5 - 5 mm in length.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Trapania vitta ( Gosliner & Fahey, 2008 )

Band trapania

Maximum length: 3 - 5 mm

Maximum depth: 14 m

The Latin word Vitta means band and refers to the reddish-brown to orange colored

reddish-brown to orange colored bands on the lamellar leaves and the rhonophores.

Trapania vitta is a very small nudibranch, only a few mm in size.

Body: White, gills and rhinophores also white, but with orange tips,

as well as the oral tentacles.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi