3 photos - 2 species

Petalifera ramosa ( Baba, 1959 )

See Hare

Maximum length: 2 cm

Maximum depth: 2 - 37 m

They have a brownish, but mostly green transparent coloration with firm conical tubercles.

These tubercles are scattered over the entire body and have white eyespots.

White connecting papillae which usually branch out several times in a thread-like manner,

can be found on some larger tubercles.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Stylocheilus striatus ( Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 )

Lined Sea Hare

Maximum length: 1.5 - 6.5 cm

Maximum depth: 2 - 8 m

This species of lumpfish has dark longitudinal lines all over its body

and is covered with scattered blue or golden eyespots.

They are found on muddy and rocky bottoms.

It feeds on blue-green algae, especially of the genus Lyngbya.

Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi