4 photos - 2 species

Marionia olivacea

can't find an english name, help wanted

Maximum length: 40 mm

Brown with light and dark brown spots interspersed with dark blue lines and blue dots.

The rhinophores have branched tips.

Photos 1 - 3 Astrid: Moalboal Philippines

Tritonia sp.

No english designation

Maximum length: not known, this one was about 1.5 cm long

Maximum depth: not known: Found it at a depth of 12 meters

Not much is known about this species, as it has not yet been identified.

Snails of this family feed on coral polyps.

They are masters of camouflage, they look exactly like the coral,

on which they live, hide perfectly in it and on which they also feed.

Photo 1 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi