36 photos - 17 species

Chelidonura amoena Bergh, 1905

Lovely headshield slug

 Maximum length: 55 mm

The pattern of this species is variable, but the body is often

in white to light yellow translucent tones,

of which a certain density of black spots predominates on the upper parts.

The elongated body consists of a head, which is called ‘head shield’ due to its shape.

There are no rhinophores, but a pair of chemical receptors located on each side of the head,

slightly behind the shield.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Chelidonura flavolobata Heller & T.E.Thompson, 1983

Yellow-lip chelidonura or Headshield slug

 Maximum length: 50 mm

Typical midnight blue colouration with two yellow head lobes.

Photos 1 - 2: Hurghada Egypt

Photo 3: Hurghada Egypt

Chelidonura hirundinina ( Quoy & Gaimard, 1833 )

Blue swallowtail slug, Leech aglaja, Leach aglaja headshield slug

Maximum length: 2 - 4 cm

Maximum depth: 1 - 12 m

Usually slightly smaller than the specified 4 cm.

Body color varies from red, orange, black or dark brown with black and orange stripes.

Very long forked tail, hence the name.

It feeds on flatworms, which are sucked in when they are found.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Chelidonura livida Yonow, 1994

Blue-spotted headshield slug

 Maximum length: 50 mm

Depth: 3 - 28 m.

Black body with blue spots.

There are four lobes on the head shield.

It lives in the mud, sand and fine gravel of sheltered reefs.

Often also on large brain and soft corals.

Diet: Worms and other molluscs.

Hurghada Egypt

Chelidonura pallida ( Risbec, 1951 )

Pale headshield slug

Maximum length: 5 cm

Maximum depth: no depth information found, this one was at about 12 m

White body with yellow and black band.

This snail feeds on flatworms, which it finds in abundance in the coral reef.

It is equipped with chemosensors with which it recognizes food.

Bangka island North Sulawesi

Chelidonura varians Eliot, 1903

Blue velvet headshield slug

 Maximum length: 70 mm

It has a deep black colouration with bright blue edges from the head

to the dorsal shields and hind appendages. However, this blue line is interrupted,

while another blue line runs along the centre of the head shield

and there may be individual blue spots on other parts of the body. 

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Colpodaspis thompsoni

Fried egg sea slug

Maximum size: 0.3 - 0.5 mm

Maximum depth: 1 - 30 m

Brown with various spots that look like little play eggs, hence the name.

Very small snail that grows to a maximum size of 5 mm.

The bubble-shaped shell is very fragile and completely covered by the mantle.

It has a mucous gland on the sole of its foot, which probably produces a sticky mucus,

which enables it to adhere to algae.

Bangka island North Sulawesi

Mariaglaja alexisi ( Gosliner, 2015 )

Alexis Mariaglaja

Maximum length: 1, 5 - 2, 5 cm This one was just under 0.6 cm

Maximum depth: No depth information found, this one was at 18 m

Black covered with dense tiny white dots.

The head has four lobes and a row of sensory bristles on the front edge.

This snail, like almost all snails of this species, has a short blunt right tail

and a large fleshy, broad and elongated left tail.

It lives on sand, where it feels small organisms living on the ground with its bristles,

and then sucks them in with its mouth.

Bangka island North Sulawesi

Mariaglaja inornata ( Baba, 1949 )

White - capped swallowtail, Headband headshield slug

Maximum length: 2.8 - 4 cm

Maximum depth: 15 m

Variable in color, body base color can be brown, dark blue or black.

The mantle, which is folded up on both sides, is dotted with white.

There is a white bar on the head.

When disturbed, it secretes a reddish substance.

Bangka island North Sulawesi

Mariaglaja tsurugensis ( Baba & Abe, 1959 )

Gold - dotted Chelidonura, Black Chelidonura

Maximum length: 1 - 2 cm

Maximum depth: 0 - 8 m

They come in different color variations, from completely black to black with white spots

and up to white specimens with black and yellow spots.

Until it was discovered that these specimens all belonged together,

( as they had different colors ) it took a while.

Now they have been synonymized to four different species.

They are found in shallow lagoons on fine sand.

Diet: small flatworms.

Bangka island North Sulawesi

Odontoglaja guamensis ( Rudman, 1978 )

Guam Odontoglaja

Maximum length: 1 - 1.3 cm

Maximum depth: 15 m

Very small, flat, often pink-colored tubercles surrounded by a white ring.

This small, very color-variable head shield snail feeds on other nudibranchs,

as well as flatworms and polychaetes.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Philinopsis speciosa Pease, 1860

Blue-margin headshield slug or Showy headshield slug

 Maximum length: 35 mm

Colour: Extremely variable, brown or black, with or without yellow and blue markings.

Truncated body with an enlarged posterior part of the head shield.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Sagaminopteron psychedelicum

Psychedelic Batwing slug

Maximum length: 0.8 - 2 cm

Maximum depth: 0 - 25 m

The mantle base color is gray-blue with round or elongated, black-edged spots.

Feeding: Sponge Dysidea cf herbacea.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Siphopteron brunneomarginatum ( Carlson & Hoff, 1974 )

Darkmargin batwing slug

Maximum length: 0.2 - 0.4 cm

Maximum depth: 12 m

Only a few mm in size, uniformly yellow with brown edges on the parapodia.

On photo 2 you can see how small the snail is in comparison with my finger.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Tubulophilinopsis gardineri Eliot, 1903

Gardiner's headshield slug

 Maximum length: 35 mm

This striking tropical snail has a dark body colour,

a bright blue band on the edge of the mantle

and a white line running across the middle of its body. 

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Tubulophilinopsis pilsbryi ( Eliot, 1900 )

Pilsbry's headshield slug

Sorry for the bad quality it was only about 0,3 cm big

Maximum length: 10 - 20 m

Maximum depth: 2.5 - 10 cm

Carnivorous snails, supposed to eat worms.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Tubulophilinopsis sp.

No english designation

Species not yet described

Maximum length: ? This one was about 3.5 cm

Maximum depth: ? This one was at 14 m

Blue-black body, with white spots

Banka Island North Sulawesi