Pleurobranchus albiguttatus ( Bergh, 1905 )
Mosaic Pleurobranch, sidegill Slug
Maximum length: 2.5 - 12 cm
Maximum depth: 15 m
Active at night.
Body is covered with rounded tubercles, thus perfectly camouflaged.
Very variable in color, there are very light, reddish to dark brown specimens.
Found in sheltered rocky subtropical reefs.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Lemon pleurobranch, Side-gilled slug or Orange gumdrop
Maximum length: 30 mm
Nocturnal, they eat sponges, tunicates and other invertebrates.
They have strong jaws and broad rasping tongues.
Hurghada Egypt
Forsskal's pleurobranch or Sidegill slug
Sidegill slug, Grand pleurobranch or Tiled pleurobranch
Maximum length: 100 mm
Although variable, the colour pattern is mostly pale with red bands.
Hurghada Egypt