20 photos - 9 species
They get their name because they live in snail shells or similar high objects.
This behaviour is vital for them, as their rear end is soft and unprotected.
Because of their growth, they need ever larger shells.
Aniculus aniculus
Scaly-legged Hermit crab
Maximum length: 10 cm
All species of this genus are large and very colourful.
They use empty snail shells as shelter.
Photo 1: Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi
Photo 2: Hurghada Egypt
Calcinus rosaceus
Rosy hermit crab
Maximum length: 3 cm
Both claws have spoon tips, the left one being larger.
Dark red with white spots, leg tips black.
Hurghada Egypt
Ciliopagurus strigatus
Red-banded hermit crab, Red-striped hermit crab,
Halloween hermit crab or Cone shell hermit crab
Legs and claws reddish-yellow ringed, with white flattened carapace.
Lives on algae-covered limestone rocks of reef roofs and lagoons as well as on rubble,
down to a depth of 20 metres.
It prefers to eat Conus snails, whose shells it then also takes.
Bangka island Nord Sulawesi
Dardanus guttatus
Blue knee hermit crab
Maximum length: 10 cm
Maximum depth: 0 - 50 m
This species can grow considerably larger than its “relatives”, about the size of a tennis ball.
Scavengers, but also active hunters, hunting snails, mussels, small invertebrates and small fish.
They constantly need new snail shells as they grow.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Dardanus lagopodes
Dark knee hermit crab
Maximum length: 3 cm
Eyestalk white with black eyes.
Yellow antennae.
Lives in shells with a wide opening.
Photos 1 - 2: Hurghada Egypt
Photos 3 - 4: Embudu Maldives
Dardanus pedunculatus
Anemone hermit crab
Maximum length: 10 cm
Left claw much larger than the right.
It lives on land and rubble and is nocturnal.
It carries anemones on its shell for defence.
If it needs a larger shell, take the anemones with you when you move.
Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi
Paguristes cadenati
Red reef hermit crab or Scarlet hermit crab
Maximum size: 2.5 cm
Bright red, some with white dots and greenish eyes on pale stalks.
During the day in small groups in the reef.
Shy, when approached they retreat into their shell,
but if you wait patiently they come out again after a while.
Bonaire Caribbean
Paguristes erythrops
Red-banded hermit crab
Maximum size: 0.4 cm
Maximum depth: 1 - 190 m
Left claw usually larger than the right.
The size of 0.4 refers to the carapace length.
Bonaire Caribbean
Pagurus brevidactylus
Shortfinger hermit crab
Maximum size: 1.80 - 2.50 cm
Maximum depth: 0 - 50 m
These crabs need the shells of gastropods ( shell snails ) for their protection.
As the crayfish grows, it needs a new, larger home,
and as there are many species of crayfish,
there are sometimes disputes about who gets to live where.
Once the crayfish has found a new home, it pulls its abdomen out of the old shell
and very quickly puts it into the new home.
Very quickly because it is very vulnerable and unprotected
from predators during the relocation period.
Bonaire Caribbean