49 photos - 22 species
Actinimenes inornatus
Anemone shrimp
Maximum length: 2 cm
Depth: 6 - 30 m
They are usually found on the Mertens giant anemone Stichodactyla mertensii.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Ancylomenes adularans
Red - dotted Ancylomenes shrimp, Commensal shrimp
Maximum length: 2.5 cm
Maximum depth: 28 m
This species lives in association with the Hemprich's fire anemone and the filigree cylinder rose.
It has also been observed cleaning fish.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Ancylomenes longicarpus
Anemone partner shrimp or Long-arm cleaner shrimp
Maximum length: 2.5 cm
Only in the red sea.
Transparent, white and purple markings.
The second pair of legs are longer and have larger claws.
Hurghada Egypt
Ancylomenes magnificus
Partner shrimp or Magnificent anemone shrimp
Maximum length: 4 cm
Depth: 3 - 30 m
They are generally found on Catalaphyllia and the AnemoneDofleinia armata.
Their body is transparent and has white bands.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Ancylomenes pedersoni
Pederson's cleaner shrimp or Caribbean anemone shrimp
Maximum length: 2.5 cm
Body and legs are transparent, but have lavender to purple spots and 2 pairs of long,
white, thin antennae.
Living on various anemones, it attracts fish by wagging its antennae
on their tentacles for cleaning.
Not shy, even cleans the hands of divers.
Bonaire Caribbean
Ancylomenes tosaensis
Tosa anemone shrimp or Tosa commensal shrimp
Maximum length: up to 2.5 cm
In large groups on anemones, also on bubble and mushroom corals and Cassiopeia jellyfish.
Photo 1: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photos 2 - 3: Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi
Ancylomenes venustus
Graceful anemone shrimp or Cleaner shrimp
Maximum length: up to 2.5 cm
Transparent body, with numerous small white and blue to red spots.
Pattern probably varies with host.
Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi
Brachycarpus biunguiculatus
Two claw shrimp
Maximum length: 6 cm
Maximum depth: 0.5 - 40 m
Body: Red to reddish-brown, legs, body and claws with white bands.
The second pair of legs has long cylindrical large claws with short serpentine fingers.
When approached, it immediately retreats into its hiding place.
Bonaire Caribbean
Cuapetes kororensis
Mushroom coral shrimp
Maximum length: 2 cm
White head, reddish-brown body.
Transparent rump and long arms.
This species lives in a symbiotic relationship with Fungia corals such as Heliofungia actiniformis,
but other cnidarians are also occasionally inhabited.
Photos 1 - 2: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photo 3: Hurghada Egypt
Cuapetes platycheles
Plate - organ cuapetes shrimp
Maximum length: 1 cm
Maximum depth: 9 - 57 m
This species is characterized by its particularly long claw arms.
It has short brown - orange bands on the claw arms, short purple bands
or spots on the upper part of the claw hand and the palm.
There is little information available on the life of this species.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Cuapetes sp.
No english designation
Unfortunately there is nothing to be found about this shrimp on the net
It is still undescribed.
It is listed as Cuapetes sp.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Cuapetes tenuipes
Red claw cuapetes shrimp or Commensal shrimp
Maximum length: 4 - 5 cm
Depth: 1 - 160 m
It actually looks almost transparent.
Hardly visible during the day, very shy.
The red claws are striking.
Their behaviour is very similar to that of scissor shrimps.
Hurghada Egypt
Hamopontonia fungicola
Egg shell shrimp, Mushroom coral shrimp
Maximum length: 2, 4 cm
Maximum depth: 1 - 30 m
Lives in symbiosis with Heliofungia actiniformis ( anemone - mushroom coral ),
hence the name “ fungicola ”
Coloration: Body, limbs, uropods and telson are transparent,
covered with numerous, tiny red dots.
Two irregular, large white or creamy-white spots
cover the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the carapace and belly.
Males have smaller and less pronounced dorsal spots.
Juvelins are completely transparent.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Hippolyte commensalis
Xenia soft coral shrimp, Hump-backed shrimp,
Common xenia coral shrimp
Maximum length: 1.6 cm
Maximum depth: 0.5 - 30 m
It lives specifically on xenia without harming them, perfectly adapted to the soft corals
and can hardly be recognized even on photos.
Bangka island North Sulawesi
Laomenes amboinensis
Ambon crinoid shrimp
Maximum length: 2 cm
Normally only found on hair stars.
Very difficult to spot as they adapt their colour to ‘ their ’ hair star.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Palaemonella philippinensis
Bubble coral shrimp
Maximum length: 1.5 cm
Its body is transparent and it has purple antennae.
It lives exclusively on the bladder coral.
Photo 1: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photos 2 - 3: Moalboal Philippines
Periclimenes colemani
Coleman's shrimp
Maximum length: 2 cm
Often found together with zebra crabs on the fire sea urchin Asthenosoma ijimai.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Periclimenes yucatanicus
Spotted cleaner shrimp
Maximum length: 2.5 cm
Transparent body with some spots. White and purple-red ringed claws.
Two pairs of white, thin, dark-edged antennae.
This species is also associated with anemones and also sits on their tentacles,
wagging and attracting fish for cleaning.
Not shy.
Bonaire Caribbean
Pontonides unciger
Whip coral shrimp
Maximum length: 1 cm
Maximum depth: 5 metres
It is small in size and lives wonderfully camouflaged on black coral.
It is also known as the wire coral shrimp.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Urocaridella antonbruunii ( Bruun's - Partnergarnele )
Anton bruun's cleaner shrimp or Clear cleaner shrimp
Maximum length: 3 cm
Transparent with red and white dots.
They float weightlessly in holes and caves.
Hurghada Egypt
Zenopontonia rex
Emperor shrimp
Maximum length: up to 2 cm
Often lives in pairs on invertebrate hosts, such as sea cucumbers or nudibranchs,
e.g. Spanish dancers.
Photos 1 - 2: Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi
Photos 3 - 4: Hurghada Egypt
Zenopontonia soror
Sea star shrimp or Starfish shrimp
Maximum length: 2 cm
It is very variable in colour, adapting to the colour of ‘its’ starfish.
It lives together with starfish.
Photos 1 - 3: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photo 4: Moalboal Philippines