19 photos - 6 species
They are animals, not plants, even if they look like them.
Adult hair stars are freely mobile and can move by crawling, running and some species can also swim.
Most hair stars live as filter feeders in shallow marine zones with strong currents.
Due to their fragility, however, they avoid the intertidal zone.
They are shy of light and hide in caves and shady crevices during the day with their arms curled up.
At dusk, they leave their hiding place, climb to an elevated position and spread out their tentacles in a fan shape to catch plankton.
Anneissia bennetti
Bennett's feather star
Maximum width: 35 cm
About 80 arms.
This one is curled up, walking leisurely over the reef.
Photo 1 Johnny: Lembeh Strait North - Sulawesi
Photo 2 Johnny: Bali Indonesia
Comaster nobilis
Noble feather star
Maximum width: 35 cm
They have between 80 and 200 arms, which are usually curled up during the day.
Photo 1 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photos 2 - 3 Johnny: Bali Indonesia
Photos 4 - 5 Johnny: Embudu Maldives
Comaster schlegeli
Schlegel's feather star or Variable bushy feather star
Maximum width: 20 cm
They are very common, especially in places where there is a constant current.
They have about 130 arms.
The sticky but harmless arms tear off quickly, so hands off.
Photos 1 - 2 Johnny: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photos 2 - 4 Johnny: Bali Indonesia
Dichrometra palmata
Klunzinger's feather star
Maximum width: 30 cm.
This star has 20 arms.
With white-red bands, but some also have cream-brown bands.
Active at night.
Photo 1 Johnny: Bali Indonesia
Heterometra savignii
Savigny's feather star
Maximum width: 40 cm
Adults with 20 arms, juveniles 10.
At night in shallow water, also active during the day.
Photo 1 Johnny: Hurghada Egypt
Oligometra serripinna
Sawtooth feather star or Mottled crinoid
Maximum width: 20 cm
They are very variable in their colouring.
They sometimes occupy their feeding place for months.
They live attached to gorgonians, sponges, corals and soft corals.
Photos 1 - 4 Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photo 5 Johnny: Bali Indonesia
Photo 6 Johnny: Embudu Maldives