1 photo - 1 species
There are around 90 species.
With a few exceptions, the threat to whales comes directly from humans.
Heavy metals, plant and insect toxins and plastic waste, all of which are non-biodegradable, enter the whales' bodies when they feed.
Whales are air breathers and have lungs.
Depending on the species, they can remain submerged for between
a few minutes and up to more than two hours, e.g. sperm whales.
All species have a streamlined body.
Highly intelligent, social animals that communicate
using a complex language.
Most species (perhaps all) use echolocation,
a sonar language of clicks and whistles to orientate themselves.
Depending on the species,
they can be between 1.5 and 33 metres long.
Feresa attenuata
Pygmy killer whale
Maximum length: 2.6 m
Depth: 0 - 750 m
Dark, with a light-coloured belly spot.
They have a high crescent-shaped fin.
A rare but aggressive species that lives
gregariously in groups of up to 50 animals.
We were lucky enough to see one very briefly in 2011
in the Red Sea on the way to the dive site.
Hurghada Egypt