9 photos 3 species


There are 3 known species.

Long thin body and a trumpet-shaped mouth.

They are masters of colour change.

Most common colouring brown to reddish-brown,

sometimes also yellow, blue-grey, and shades in between.

Likes to swim with its head down.

It is a cunning hunter that preys on small fish,

often attaching itself to perch and mullet to sneak up on prey.

Depending on the species, they can reach a size of 75 cm to 1 m.

Aulostomus chinensis

Chinese trumpetfish

Maximum length: 80 cm

Depth: 0 - 122 m

It comprises 3 known species.

Their strikingly slender yet elongated body makes them almost unmistakable

and easy to identify. 

They come in a variety of colours and are very well adapted to their surroundings,

except for this one, which is bright yellow.

Bonaire Caribbean

Aulostomus strigosus

Atlantic trumpetfish or Atlantic coronetfish

Maximum length: 90 cm

Depth: 5 - 25

Master of colour change, most common colouring brown to reddish-brown, sometimes also blue-grey, yellow or many shades in between.

Often swims in a vertical position, head downwards and parallel to the branches of gorgonians.

Photo 1: Bonaire Caribbean

Photo 2: Embudu Maldives

Aulostomus maculatus

West Atlantic trumpetfish

Maximum length: 90 cm

Depth: 5 - 25 metres

Tropet-shaped mouth and a long, thin body.

It is a master of changing colours and inhabits coral reefs.

Very often found in a vertical position, head down.

     Sometimes it tries to camouflage itself by "riding" another fish (see photo 2)

to get closer to its prey.

Not shy, trusting in its camouflage,

it remains calm and only swims away when it realises that it has been discovered.

Bonaire Caribbean