5 photos - 3 species
There are two genera, each with two species.
They are narrow, elongated fish with a sharp,
knife-like ventral keel formed from bony plates,
which swim with their characteristic swimming style - head downwards.
Aeoliscus punctulatus
Speckled shrimpfish or jointed razorfish
Maximum length: 15 cm
Depth: 1 - 17 m
Swims vertically with its head down to imitate leaves or to camouflage itself.
Hurghada Egypt
Centriscus scutatus
Grooved razorfish
Maximum length: 15 cm
Depth: 3 - 100m +
From often muddy coasts to deep, offshore habitats.
Singly, in pairs or in large dense schools.
Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi
Aeoliscus strigatus
Razorfish, Jointed razorfish or Coral shrimpfish
Maximum length: 14 cm
Depth: 1 - 30 m
Found in schools on clear coastal reefs and in lagoons over branching corals.
Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi