6 photos - 1 species
They have a leaf-shaped, flat body.
The basic colour of the rocking fish is yellow, ochre, pale white,
more rarely pink or red.
They moult completely every 10 to 14 days.
They grow to a length of 10 - 12 cm.
Poisonous, but not as much as lionfish or stonefish.
Taenianotus triacanthus
Leaf scorpionfish, Paperfish, Paper scorpionfish, Sailfin leaffish
or Threespine scorpionfish
Maximum length: 12 cm
Depth: 1 - 135 m
Various colour patterns from almost white to purple.
Laterally strongly flattened, high-backed body.
If necessary, they imitate a leaf swaying in the dunes by swaying sideways.
Photo 1: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photos 2 - 3: Moalboal Philippines
Photos: Bali Indonesia
Photo 6: Embudu Maldives