34 photos - 18 species


There are 50 species in 15 genera.

Mackerel and tuna are a family of marine fish.

Hunting mackerel are almost always the reason for this,

when schools of small fish chase each other

and individuals jump out of the water in all directions.

Carangoides bajad

Orange-spotted trevally or Gold-spotted trevally

 Maximum length: 53 cm

Depth: 1 - 90 m

Silvery or yellow with orange spots.

The yellow one is more common in the red sea than the silvery one.

To get closer to their prey, they accompany yellow mullets.

Not shy.

Hurghada Egypt

Carangoides ferdau

Blue trevally, Banded trevally, Barred trevally, Ferdau's trevally or Forskaal's jackfish

 Maximum length: 70 cm

Depth: 1 - 60 m

Silvery body with 5 to 7 stripes.

Usually lives in small schools that move quickly.

Small fish and crabs that they dig out of the sand are their meal.

El Quesir Egypt

Caranx bartholomaei

Yellow jack or Coolihoo

 Maximum length: 90 cm

Depth: 0 - 45 m

Silvery in colour, often with a yellow sheen.

Rarely found on coastal reefs, more often in the area of outer reefs.

Often approaches divers quickly and closely, probably attracted by the air bubbles,

but quickly disappears again.

Bonaire Caribbean

Caranx crysos

Blue runner, Bluestripe jack, Egyptian scad, Hardtail jack

or Hardnose

Maximum length: 30 - 75 cm

Depth: 0 - 45 m

Tips of the caudal fin are black, as the name suggests.

Bluish silver to olive or brass-coloured body,

with a black spot at the upper end of the gill cover.

Found in large shoals in coastal waters.

They approach divers quickly and closely, probably attracted by the air bubbles,

but disappear just as quickly as they arrived.

Bonaire Caribbean

Caranx hippos

Crevalle jack, Common jack, Black-tailed trevally, Couvalli jack,

Black cavalli, Jack crevale or Yellow cavalli

 Maximum length: 1m

Depth: 0 - 45 metres

Pectoral fins and the tip of the gill arch have a black spot.

They prefer clear open water and are rarely seen over reefs.

Shy, swim away slowly when approached,

but sometimes come very close to them because of the divers' air bubbles.

Bonaire Caribbean

Caranx ignobilis

Giant trevally, Lowly trevally, Barrier trevally, Ronin jack,

Giant kingfish or Ulua

 Maximum length: 1.70 m

Depth: 5 - 80 m

One of the most ferocious fish predators,

moves quickly from reef to reef, but also hunts in shallow water.

Hurghada Egypt

Caranx latus

Horse-eye jack or Big-eye jack

 Maximum length: 75 cm

Depth: 0 - 140 m

They are similar in body shape to Caranx caninus, but their head is less steep.

Small blackish spot on the edge of the gill cover, but usually poorly defined or absent.

Small spots on the pectoral fin, caudal fin yellow.

Often found in large shoals along a reef.

Bonaire Caribbean

Caranx melampygus

Bluefin trevally, Bluefin jack, Bluefin kingfish, Bluefinned crevalle,

Blue ulua, Omilu or Spotted trevally

 Maximum length: 1 m

Depth: 1 - 190

Olive-silver body with blue and black spots.

Active during the day and at night.

Usually hunts in small groups.

Not shy, but vigilant.

Photo 1: Hurghada Egypt

Photo 2: Embudu Maldives

Caranx ruber

Bar jack, Carbonero, Cojinua, Red jack, Blue-striped cavalla

or Passing jack

Maximum length: 60 cm

Depth: 0 - 20 m

Bright blue and black stripe running down the back to the lower caudal fin.

Silvery body, but can turn completely black in colour, especially when foraging.

This species can be found in small groups up to large shoals.

Not shy, likes to approach divers, probably attracted by the air bubbles.

Bonaire Caribbean

Decapterus macarellus

Mackerel scad or Speedo

 Maximum length: 30 cm

Depth: 0 - 40 m

Black spot on the gill cover.

The body is silver and reflective.

Forms large schools over reefs, steep walls, in bays and shipwrecks.

Not shy, but stays at a distance; if you approach, they swim away.

Bonaire Caribbean

Elagatis bipinnulata

Rainbow runner, Rainbow yellowtail, Spanish jack

or Hawaiian salmon

 Maximum length: 1.2 m

Depth: 1 - 15 m

Pelagic species, near or at the surface, over reefs.

Elphinstone Egypt

Gnathanodon speciosus

Golden trevally, Golden kingfish, Banded trevally

or King trevally


Maximum length: 1.2 m

Depth: 1 - 50 m

Silvery-yellow body with a few light black stripes.

They can be seen in small schools on outer reefs and in deep lagoons.

Juveline accompany larger animals such as turtles, sharks, large groupers,

rays and, as seen here, sometimes a scuba tank for protection.

Hurghada Egypt

Grammatorcynus bilineatus

Double-lined mackerel

 Maximum length: 1 m

Depth: 5 - 20 m

The second line makes a sharp curve behind the pectoral fin.

Occasionally lives on outer reefs or in the upper water area of coastal waters.

Feeds on herring and zooplankton.

Almost always travelling alone.

Hurghada Egypt

Naucrates ductor

Pilot fish

 Maximum size 70 cm

Depth: 0 - 50 m

Their name comes from the fact that these mackerel very often accompany large sharks and sea turtles.

They serve the large predators and turtles by ridding them of annoying ectoparasites and eating off loose skin scales.

Daedalus Egypt

Rastrelliger kanagurta

Indian mackerel

 Maximum length: 38 cm

Depth: 5 - 70 metres

Found in the open water of deep lagoons, along sheltered outer reefs and bays.

In schools, the water is sifted for zooplankton.

El Qesir Egypt


Spanish mackerel

 Maximum length: 2.20 m

Depth: 10 - 100 m

A predatory, mostly solitary species.

Hurghada Egypt

Trachinotus goodei

Palometa, Banner pompano, Camade fish, Cobbler, Gafftopsail,

Great pompano, Joefish, Longfin pompano, Old wife, Sand mackerel,

Streamers jack or Wireback

 Maximum length: 60 cm

Depth: 0 - 12 m

This species has an extremely long anal and dorsal fin.

The fins are black-edged, the body is silvery.

Likes to form shoals at shallow depths over sandy areas.

Not shy, love the air bubbles of divers.

Bonaire Caribbean

Trachinotus blochii

Snubnose darf, Golden pompano or Golden Pomfret

 Maximum length: 110 cm

Depth: 0 - 35 m

Bright silvery body with high dorsal profile.

Tip of the dorsal fin dark, occasionally a dark round area behind the base of the pectoral fins.

Not shy, sometimes approaches quickly and comes very close,

probably attracted by the air bubbles.

Bonaire Caribbean