1 photo - 1 species
There are 3 subfamilies, 7 genera and over 35 species.
Visceral fish are eel-like, elongated,
the body is scaleless and often transparent.
They can live freely or together with sea cucumbers,
mussels or sea squirts, or as parasites.
The fish penetrate the host tail-first or front-first
and can also live in pairs.
Depending on the species,
they reach a size of between 7 and 36 cm.
Encheliophis homei
Silver pearlfish
Maximum length: 17 cm
Depth: 3 - 110 m
This visceral fish has an unusual home.
They either live freely or as parasites,
in which case they penetrate the host tail-first or front-first
and can also live in pairs.
They only leave their host at night to hunt.
Embudu Maldives