44 photos - 22 species
Neoglyphidodon nigroris
Black-and-gold chromis or Behn's damsel
Maximum length: 12 cm
Depth: 3 - 30 m
Photos ( Juvenile ) 1 - 2: Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Photo 3: Moalboal Philippines
Neoglyphidodon thoracotaeniatus
Barhead damsel
Maximum length: 14 cm
Depth: 10 - 45 m
Usually found in small groups near the reef.
Eats zooplankton and small shrimps.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Neopomacentrus bankieri
Chinese demoiselle
Maximum length: 8 cm
Depth: 3 - 13 m
Gray body, tail and rear edge of dorsal and anal fins are yellow.
A black spot at the base of the upper pectoral fin.
Found on rock and coral reefs.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Neopomacentrus miryae
Miry's demoiselle
Maximum length: 11 cm
Depth: 2 - 25 m
Silver body with a white spot at the base of the tail and yellow tail fin edges.
Found on sheltered patch reefs, lagoons and outer reefs.
Usually hunts zooplankton in loose groups in open water.
Not very shy.
Hurghada Egypt
Plectroglyphidodon leucozonus
Singlebar devil
Maximum length: 12 cm
Depth: 0.3 - 3 m
White stripe can be lost in adults.
It is territorial and feeds on algae.
Photo 1: El Quesir Egypt
Photo 2: Hurghada Egypt
Pomacentrus albicaudatus
Whitefin damsel
Maximum length: 7 cm
Depth: 1 - 12 m
Light brown body with white tail.
Lives individually or in loose groups on coastal fringing reefs
or offshore reefs with moderate coral growth.
Very rare.
Hurghada Egypt
Pomacentrus alexanderae
Alexander's damsel
Maximum length: 9 cm
Depth: 5 - 60 m
Divers usually encounter this small damselfish as an individual;
adults prefer lagoons as well as landward and seaward reefs.
The dark spot around the pectoral fin is particularly striking.
Moalboal Philippines
Pomacentrus amboinensis
Ambon damsel
Maximum length: 10 cm
Depth: 2 - 40 m
Variable coloration, mostly light background with pale, slightly wavy yellowish
or blue-greenish transverse lines.
The cheeks and snout have very pale light bluish markings.
Moalboal Philippines
Pomacentrus chrysurus
Whitetail damselfish
Maximum length: 9 cm
Depth: 19 - 35 m
Eyespot at the end of the dorsal fin.
Found in sandy lagoons and on rocky reefs close to the coast.
Bangka Island North Sulawesi
Pomacentrus sulfureus
Sulphur damsel
Maximum length: 11 cm
Depth: 0.5 - 14 m
Yellow body with a black spot at the base of the pectoral fin.
Lives in fringing reefs close to the coast, sometimes also in murky reef water.
El Quesir Egypt
Pomacentrus trichrourus
Paletail damsel
Maximum length: 11 cm
Depth: 1 - 43 m
Gray-black body with white tail.
Often found in lagoons, fringing or patch reefs, occasionally on reef tops.
Hurghada Egypt
Pomacentrus trilineatus
Threeline damsel
Maximum length: 10 cm
Depth: 0.3 - 4 m
Brownish body with blue lines on the head and a light-colored tail.
Found on shallow rock and coral reefs.
Photo 1: El Quesir Egypt
Photos 2 - 3: Hurghada Egypt
Pomacentrus vaiuli
Ocelatte damselfish
Maximum length: 10 cm
Depth: 1 - 40 m
Variable bluish to brownish coloration.
Blue to white-edged, black eyespot at the back of the dorsal fin.
Inhabits lagoons and outer reefs.
Moalboal Philippines
Pycnochromis dimidiatus ( Indischer - Zweifarben Chromis )
Chocolatedip chromis
Maximum length: 7 cm
Depth: 0.5 - 36 m
Typical black and white coloration.
Often inhabits lagoons and sheltered outer reefs
as well as shallow reef crests of patch reefs.
In large, loose aggregations along upper reef formations of piers and slopes,
often associated with the jewel bannerfish.
Very common and not very shy.
El Quesir Egypt.
Pycnochromis retrofasciatus
Black-bar chromis
Maximum length: 5 cm
Depth: 15 - 20 m
These are schooling fish that live in tropical
and subtropical coral reefs in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific.
The species shown here is relatively rare.
Moalboal Philippines
Stegastes diencaeus
Longfin damselfish
Maximum length: 12 cm.
Depth: 5 - 30 m
Adult: Dark brown to black body.
Juvenile: Golden yellow body, with bright blue stripes running from the snout to the back.
Black spot with blue border on the dorsal fin.
Found on rocky areas where they aggressively try to drive divers away from their area by nipping.
Not shy.
Bonaire Caribbean
Stegastes fuscus
Dusky damselfish
Maximum length: 15 cm
Depth: 2 - 13 m
Rounded dorsal and anal fins, dark olive-brown to almost completely black body.
Bonaire Caribbean
Stegastes lacrymatus
Whitespotted devil ( Egypt )
Maximum length: 11 cm
Depth: 0.3 - 40 m
Counterpart of the Caribbean jewfish, but 6 cm smaller
and with a white tail instead of yellow.
They are usually found singly, are very territorial and often aggressive
while defending their algae gardens.
Photo 1: Hurghada Egypt
Photos 2 - 3: El Quesir Egypt
Stegastes lacrymatus
Whitespotted devil ( Caribbean )
Maximum length: 19 cm
Depth: 3 - 12 m
Adult: Dark body, yellow caudal fin and small bright blue spots on the back and dorsal fin.
Juvenile form: Dark blue with bright blue spots and a translucent to whitish caudal fin,
which turns yellow at maturity.
Inhabit reef tops, with the juvenile form living in the area of fire corals.
Not shy, often let divers get close to them.
Bonaire Caribbean
Stegastes nigricans
Dusky farmerfish
Maximum length: 14 cm
Depth: 3 - 35 m
Very difficult to find in books.
The following synonyms are known:
Abudefduf tamaii, Eupomacentrus nigricans, Holocentrus nigricans, Parapomacentrus nigricans, Pomacentrus nigricans, Pomacentrus scolopseus, Pomacentrus scolopsis, Pomacentrus subniger, Pomacentrus taeniops
El Quesir Egypt
Stegastes partitus
Bicolor damselfish
Maximum length: 10 cm
Depth: 7 - 27 m
Black - white body.
The light area is often yellowish at the border, especially towards the belly.
Native to reef tops, aggressively territorial, but only chases away small fish.
Not shy, lets divers get close to it.
Bonaire Caribbean
Stegastes planifrons
Threespot damselfish
Maximum length: 12 cm
Depth: 0 - 40 m
Yellowish to light brown body, which becomes darker with age.
They have a golden yellow crescent above the eyes.
Black spot at the base of the pectoral fin and at the beginning of the caudal fin.
Juvenile form: Yellow body with black spot at the beginning of the tail root, which remains.
Black spot in the middle at the upper edge of the body disappears with sexual maturity.
Bonaire Caribbean