48 photos - 31 species


There are about 25 genera with about 350 species.

They prefer the protected inner reefs and avoid the steep outer reefs.

Cardinalfish are primarily crepuscular or nocturnal schooling fish;

during the day they hide between hard corals, crevices and caves.

Depending on the species, they grow between 3 and 25 cm long,

although most species remain smaller than 10 cm.

Apogon binotatus

Barred cardinalfish

Maximum length: 9 cm

Depth: 1 - 50 m

2 horizontal stripes from the dorsal to the caudal fin.

Salmon to pink or bronze to deep orange-red.

They hide in dark niches during the day and look for food at night.

Bonaire Caribbean

Apogon lachneri

Whitestar cardinalfish

Maximum length: 6.5 cm

Depth: 5 - 70 m

The bright signal spot behind the black spot on the back of the dorsal fin

represents the naming of this cardinalfish's English name, Whitestar cardinalfish.

Body reddish with large dark eyes that stand out.

Because he swims in small reef caves during the day to protect himself from predators,

this little guy is difficult to photograph.

Bonaire Caribbean

Apogon maculatus


Maximum length: 11 cm

Depth: 1 - 20 m

Two white longitudinal stripes in the eyes.

Salmon-colored to bright red body with a black spot below the rear dorsal fin.

Fading black transverse band at the base of the tail.

Bonaire Caribbean

Apogon phenax

Mimic cardinalfish

Maximum length: 7.5 cm

Depth: 3 - 50 m

Elongated orange body with 2 slightly wider black bands,

like the almost identical looking two-banded cardinalfish,

silver colored at the end of the body up to the tail fin, short snout, large eyes.

Bonaire Caribbean

Apogon planifrons

Pale cardinalfish

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 3 - 35 m

Body: Pale pink with a dark transverse stripe from the dorsal fin to the belly

and a transverse stripe at the base of the tail.

Hides in dark niches, searching for food in open water at night.

Bonaire Caribbean

Apogon townsendi

Belted cardinalfish

Maximum length: 4 - 6 cm

Depth: 2 - 60 m

Dark transverse band from the posterior dorsal fin to the anal fin.

Two horizontal stripes on the base of the tail.

Hidden in caves during the day.

Bonaire Caribbean

Cheilodipterus lachneri

Aqaba cardinalfish

Maximum length: 15 cm

Depth: 1 - 20 m

It has narrow, dark stripes of varying widths and a dark spot on the base of the tail.

Inhabits sheltered outer reefs and murky lagoons.

Hurghada Egypt

Cheilodipterus isostigmus

Dog-toothed cardinalfish

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 3 - 40 m

It has 5 black longitudinal stripes and a yellow tail base.

Always hide near crevices, branch corals and caves.

Found in lagoons and outer reefs.

Photo 1: Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Photo 2: Moalboal Philippines

Cheilodipterus macrodon

Large-toothed cardinalfish or Tiger cardinalfish

Maximum length: 25 cm

Depth: 5 - 40 m

Broad, brown stripes and a light tail.

Found in coral-rich lagoons and on outer reefs, where it feeds primarily on small fish.

Little shy.

Hurghada Egypt

Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus

Five-lined cardinalfish

Maximum length: 12 cm

Depth: 3 - 40 m

5 black side stripes and yellow spot at the base of the tail.

Moalboal Philippines

Nectamia bandanensis

Bigeye cardinalfish

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 3 - 30 m

Caudal fin edges, soft yellowish dorsal and anal fin tips.

Distinct banding in adults.

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Nectamia zebrina

Nectamia zebrina

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 1 - 15 m

Body: Pearl gray with eye stripes and dark bands on the base of the tail.

Native to protected outer reefs and silted lagoons.

Almost always hidden during the day, hunting at night.

Hurghada Egypt

Ostorhinchus apogonoides

Short-tooth cardinal

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 10 - 35 m

Singly or in pairs in caves and crevices in the reef.

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Ostorhinchus aureus

Ring-tailed cardinalfish

Maximum length: 8 cm

Depth: 1 - 20 m

Dark stripe under the eye and a black band on the base of the tail.

Very difficult to find under ledges or in crevices during the day,

slightly more common at night.

Hurghada Egypt

Ostorhinchus compressus

Ochre-striped cardinalfish, Blue-exed cardinalfish or

Split banded cardinalfish

Maximum length: 12 cm

Depth: 2 - 20 m

Dotted back line.

Blue incomplete eye ring.

Usually in groups in front of caves or branch corals.

Photo 1: Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Photo 2: Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Ostorhinchus chrysopomus

Spotted-gill cardinalfish

Maximum length: 9 cm

Depth: 1 - 20 m

Orange-yellow markings on the gill covers, dark spot on the base of the tail.

During the day often in small groups in front of branch corals.

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Ostorhinchus cyanosoma

Yellow-striped cardinalfish, Goldenstriped cardinalfish or

Orange-lined cardinalfish

Maximum length: 8 cm

Depth: 1 - 50 m

White - silvery stripes on the head and body.

Very similar to the chinstripe cardinalfish. (see some species below)

Photo 1: Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Photo 2: Moalboal Philippines

Ostorhinchus hartzfeldii

Hartzfeld's cardinalfish

Maximum length: 11 cm

Depth: 2 - 20 m

It has a black spot on the base of its pale tail and fine eye and dorsal stripes.

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Ostorhinchus moluccensis

Moluccan cardinalfish

Maximum length: 9 cm

Depth: 2 - 18 m

This species can be easily recognized by the white dot on the rear dorsal fin.

Travel individually or in pairs.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Ostorhinchus multilineatus

Many-lined cardinalfish

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 2 - 25 m

Likes to stay in stony corals where it can hide between the branches.

Mostly found in small groups.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Ostorhinchus nigrofasciatus

Blackstrip cardinalfish

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 3 - 40 m

It can be found singly or in pairs under ledges, in crevices, even in shallow lagoon reefs.

It feeds on bottom-dwelling invertebrates at night.

Photo 1 Johnny: Moalboal Philippines

El Quesir Egypt

Ostorinchus properuptus

Southern orange-lined cardinalfish

Maximum length: 8 cm

Depth: 2 - 20 m

Orange-yellow with silvery light gray side stripes.

Very similar to the golden stripe cardinalfish (see photo slightly higher)

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Paroncheilus affinis

Bigtooth cardinalfish or Longtooth cardinalfish

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 15 - 100 m

Salmon-colored to pink.

Loves deep reefs and rocky areas where it hides during the day.

Bonaire Caribbean

Phaeoptyx pigmentaria

Dusky cardinalfish

Maximum length: 9 cm

Depth: 0 - 45 m

Dark speckled bronze to salmon colored body.

Single dark transverse band at the base of the tail.

Hiding in deep caves during the day, hovering over the reef at night,

often near open giant basket stars.

Bonaire Caribbean 

Pristiapogon exostigma

Eyeshadow cardinalfish or Online cardinalfish

Maximum length: 11 cm

Depth: 2 - 60 m

Silvery body with dark side stripes and a dark spot at the base of the tail.

Found in lagoons and outer reefs, under ledges and crevices during the day.

Night hunter for zooplankton.

Hurghada Egypt

Pristiapogon fraenatus

Bridled cardinalfish

Maximum length: 10 cm

Depth: 3 - 50 m

During the day they hide individually or in groups in niches and under overhangs.

There is a dark stripe on the body that extends from the snout to the caudal fin and ends in a point.

Bangka Island North Sulawesi

Pristiapogon kallopterus

Iridescent cardinalfish

Maximum length: 15 cm

Depth: 1 - 45 m

First dorsal fin yellowish with variable dark lateral stripes.

Lives on outer reefs and in clear lagoons.

Hurghada Egypt

Pristicon trimaculatus

Three-spot cardinalfish

Maximum length: 15 cm

Depth: 2 - 15 m

This perch has three short, irregular saddle spots on the back and a black spot on the gill cover.

Found singly or in pairs in lagoons and outer reefs. 

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Pterapogon kauderni

Banggai cardinalfish

Maximum length: 7 cm

Depth: 0 - 9 m

They are uniquely colored.

They are often found together with long-spined sea urchins,

where they stay between the spines for protection.

Does not incubate the eggs in its mouth like the other cardinalfish,

but protects the hatchlings in its mouth for a few days.

Juveline often associated with anemones.

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Sphaeramia nematoptera

Pajama cardinalfish, Spotted cardinalfish, Coral Cardinalfish or Polkadot cardinalfish

Maximum length: 8.5 cm

Depth: 3 - 25 m

Found in small to very large groups in branching corals.

Often in lagoons.

Lembeh Strait North Sulawesi

Taeniamia fucata

Orange- lined or Painted cardinalfish

Maximum length: 8 cm

Depth: 3 - 35 m

Has about 23 orange horizontal lines and a black tail spot.

Found in outer reefs and lagoons, not very shy.

Small, dense aggregations can be found between rocks and branch corals.

Hunts zooplankton at night.

Hurghada Egypt